EVERGREEN AND WHITE LABEL CONTENT WITH REAL OLD SCHOOL PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS! I strive to add products that have none of that modern mumbo jumbo, and our terms are easy to understand. This is true old school PLR which you can resell in your own shops, with full license or license of your choice.7 Tips in the Art of List Building
1: GIVEAWAYS - You can get thousands of targeted people on an
email list by running, or participating in a giveaway. The key is to give away something with a high value. Gift cards, digital and physical products, coaching or
consulting are all good choices.
2: BONUSES - A great way to build a list if you do affiliate marketing is to ask for a bonus spot on the product download page? Essentially you will give the product vendor a link to an opt-in form that will give the buyer access. If they don't have the built in ability available on their download area, you can always create a landing page to send them to afterward, or create a coupon for them in your personal store.
3: UPGRADE YOUR CONTENT - Another effective way of putting more targeted people on your list is by taking your blog posts and extending them in exchange for an email. For example, if you have 5 great resources in your blog article, then do 10 more and ask them if they’d like to see 10 more great resources? Tell them, Just opt in here with a link or button. Content upgrades work great.
4: PRODUCT LAUNCHING - This is an effective way to put responsive buyers on your list. There is a learning curve, but mastering the art of digital product launching is worth your time for helping you get some high quality leads. The key is to consistently put out great paid content. Create, Package, Release!
5: USE LIGHT BOXES - You know that annoying pop up that bothers you when you are trying to read blog articles? Those are a really effective way to put people on your list, much more effective than any sidebar opt-in or ribbon opt-in.
This types of pop up is engaging and impossible to ignore. The trick here is to have it appear as much as possible until they opt in. Exposure is key.
Don't worry about it seeming annoying. As a general rule people need to be exposed to something at least 5 times before they take action. The more they see something the more they take action. Just make sure you have a good lead magnet and you are all set.
6: LEAD MAGNETS - Getting targeted people on your list becomes a lot easier if they actually want to BE on your list. That means giving them something worthy of
their email. Things like checklists and cheat sheets work great because they are easily consumable and promise to not take a lot of time to get through. The downside is that they do not give you a lot of chance to build relationships.
You can fix this by adding a bonus link on your cheat sheet or checklist to another free product, video workshop or eBook, which will give you a chance to expand upon the cheat sheet but more importantly allow you to build a connection.
7: DOUBLE STEP OPT-IN - It’s been tested and proven time that the double step opt-in performs much better than the a single step opt-in.
For example, when you offer a free product, just have a download now button. When they click that button, it prompts them for their email. That’s the double step opt-in.
Just ask what is absolutely necessary (name and/or email). The more info you ask for the less opt-ins you will get. In many cases you can just ask for the email. You don’t need the name unless a money transaction is involved, you don’t need the cell number, etc..
Your relationship with your opt-in is brand new, asking for too much info off the top creates an annoyance and less follow throughs. I hope some of these tips can help you add more quality to your lists of subscribers.
Would you like a free Lead Magnet package. 4 ebook package you can resell or use for content. You got it, CLICK HERE to opt'in!
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